Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What is more important when valuing a diamond, clarity or color?

I've learned that color and clarity are both important when setting the value of a diamond, but it's very expensive to buy a high grade diamond. So I like to know what people prefer to buy, a high grade is clarity and low grade in color? or high in color and low in clarity? And which is better, a diamond color/clarity that is D/SI2 or a diamond color/clarity H/VVS2?|||Clarity is important when valuing a diamond. But this doesn't mean color has no importance color of a diamond is also important.

B2C Jewels

http://www.b2cjewels.com|||They are equally important.

It really is a matter of taste, ego and wallet. If money were no object, you would want the best. AS with many things in life, a balance is usually the best. However, I struggled with this question and the jeweler explained to me that buying a slightly better color would pay off because the color of a diamond is what you see from across the room, not clarity. Clarity (unless really bad) cannot be easily noticed by a novice unless they are extremely close to your wife's hands. And if they are that close, you have bigger things to worry about besides what they think of the diamond you bought.

Now that is not to say that you should be a horrible clarity, as clarity helps color.

Your specific question, I would choose the D/SI2, but I would rather get a D/VS2 as that is the one I got my wife. It shines from WAY across the room and everything things it is a "flawless" diamond, but I know I saved about $5k by not opting for the best clarity.

You must also pay attention to two other factors or you could be wasting your time. The MAKE of the stone. This is the proportions of the shape (cut) of the stone. If the stone is cut properly (well balanced) then the light will exit the stone some place other than the top which is where you want it to. In addition, you should pay attention to the fluorescence. If the stone has a high fluorescence, it could ruin the color and make the clarity much more prominent.

There is tons of information on the net about how diamonds are graded, I will list a few I used. I spent a major amount of time reading and learning before I bought an engagement ring.|||Clarity is important. Color depends on what is fashionable right now. And, fashion changes quickly. Right now, black diamonds are big.

I would go with classic high quality white diamond. If you do want a color, there are some more affordable gems like agat, citrine, topaz and much more.|||Clarity is more important but you know I love pink diamonds yeah kinda random o_O

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