Friday, September 23, 2011

How often should you clean a diamond ring?

I have a diamond wedding set that I received in April. I clean it about every other day in a solution of diluted ammonia, and dish washing detergent. Does anyone know if this is bad for it? Could it corrode the setting?|||Congrats on your wedding/engagement!

The toothpaste works well if it's quite dirty. A spray of rubbing alcohol can make it sparkle like new, too.

The jeweler that sold the ring should provide a maintenance service, often for free, where they will clean it and inspect it for you every 6 months, and oftentimes most jewelers will professionally clean it for you for free any time you go in.|||Ok, ammonia can't be good for it so quit that. You shouldn't have to clean it that much but if you feel the need, a soft toothbrush and toothpaste should do the trick. Nothing to harsh (which ammonia is very).|||Get you a small ultra-sonic cleaner. It uses not harsh chemicals and cleans every bit of the ring.|||swill in methylated spirits.

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